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Build The Damn Thing

Jan 11, 2023

When the time comes to transition away from your business, know that there is more out there for you. It may be a new business or a new opportunity, but whatever the case, change is good. In this episode, you’ll learn the ins and outs of selling your company, what to consider when exiting, and how to make a game plan...

Dec 22, 2022

From bootstrapping to venture capital to just plain profits, there are many ways to fund your business's growth. The next step is essential and requires thoughtful consideration. In this episode of Build The Thing, you’ll determine the best route for you and your company as you continue to build it. 

“As a general...

Dec 17, 2022

The right team is crucial to any business and depends on its success. Knowing who to hire and when to let them go can make or break your company. One way to ensure you’re building a successful team is to identify your core needs so that you can provide all of your hires are moving your business forward. You also want...

Dec 10, 2022

Is your big idea something people will pay for? In this episode, Kathryn and other Builders discuss turning an idea into a successful business. You’ll learn the importance of setting your pricing structure, finding product-market fit, and scaling up your business.

“What often happens with entrepreneurs is that...

Dec 1, 2022

The difference between a great idea and a thriving business is that a business solves a problem that people will pay for, aka its value proposition. In this episode, learn how to create a value proposition for your company, including using methods like Build-Measure-Learn and the Ugly Baby Test to help you define the...